2022 Nampo Harvest day
Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day, the biggest agricultural show in the southern hemisphere, was a huge success this year we`ll see you at Nampo 2023 NAMPO 2022 near Bothaville was from 16 to 20 May to see what’s new in agriculture. It was presented for the...
NAMPO Cape | 4 – 6 September 2019
It is with gratitude that we look back on a very successful NAMPO Cape 2019. For the 435 exhibitors spread over the 480 available exhibition spaces, the upgraded parking areas, as well as the increased number of kiosks, these three days were a highlight on the Cape...
2018 Underberg Show
This years Underberg show was held over the last weekend of September 2018. Although a fairly small show compared to other regional shows it proved to be one of the more pleasurable to attend. Monosem had a 4 row No Till planter on display...
Building extensions
In order to accommodate the constantly growing need for larger planters and bigger frames we are proud to have been able to invest in an extension of our factory building. Our current 2nd building of 1500 square meters will soon be extended with another 880 square...
2018 Berg Show
This years Berg Show held in Winterton took place over the first weekend of September 2018. With an excellent attendance by farmers it once again proved to be a highlight for the starting planting season. Monosem had an eight row No Till planter on display Our local...
2018 No-Till Conference
The 2018 No Till Conference held in Bergville, Kwa Zulu Natal took place from Tuesday the 4th until Thursday the 6th of September. Day one consisted of an international speaker from the United States Steve Groff whom is an expert in the selection and management of...
2018 Eston Show
The 2018 Eston Farmers Show was held on the 25th and 26th of August at the Beaumont Eston Farmers club. Monosem shared a stand with their local dealer in the area KZN Agriserve, the Pietermaritzburg Landini dealers. A four row Monosem MS vegetable...
Val Boeredag 2018
Monotec demonstrated an 8 row Monosem planter at another successful Val Boeredag near Standerton.
2018 ADMA AgriShow Zimbabwe
Monotec attended the 2018 ADMA show in Zimbabwe on 14 to 16 June
Monotec awarded the trophy for the BEST AGRICULTURAL STAND at the 2018 Royal Agricultural Show in Pietermaritzburg!
This year we had the old Mascor stand usually displaying John Deere tractors and Kverneland equipment at the Royal Agricultural Show held in Pietermaritzburg.
4-row Monosem No-Till planter
Mark Stubbs plants 150 Hectares of maize with his Monosem planter. He also plants 100 Hectare of Virginia Tobacco and another 80 Hectares of wheat in the South Headlands area of Zimbabwe. He is the proud owner of a 4-Row No-Till Monosem planter. The...
Nampo 15 – 18 May 2018
A new record attendance figure achieved during NAMPO 2018 and the feedback from the exhibitors that they mainly did good business testify to the optimism of the agricultural sector despite all the uncertainties facing South African producers. This is the view of...
Fertisystem Auto-Lub® augers for precision fertiliser distribution
The Fertisystem Auto-Lub® augers are made from highly durable corrosion free components. The stainless steel Fertisystem® auger shaft runs on two 6006.2RS ball bearings that are extremely well protected. The protection consists of a stainless steel washer, felt...
5 Reasons why the Monosem seed metering unit stands out far above the rest
Less doubles and skips - The flat seed disc of the Monosem seed metering unit is less sensitive to seed size and shape. It picks up multiple seeds and the access pips get knocked of higher up in the metering unit. Conventional seed meters try to ensure single seed...
2017 No-Till Conference
Monotec attended the 2017 No-Till Conference held at ATKV DRAKENSVILLE KZN, near/naby Bergville from the 5th of September.
2017 Val Farmers day – Greylingstad (Mpumalanga)
The 22de Val Farmers day was held on 5 July 2017 by the Waterval Boerevereniging. According to visitors no festival comes close to the Val-Farmers Day. Here's a video and a few photo's of Monotec at the Val Farmers day. In the video you can see a custom build 8 row...
2017 ADMA Show Zimbabwe
The 2017 ADMA show was our first exhibition at the ADMA. There were lots of other planters however, we got quite a lot of enquiries.
Monotec awarded a Silver Medal at the Royal Agricultural Show
The Royal Agricultural Show in KwaZulu Natal is the oldest and largest agricultural show on the continent. This year (2017) the show began on the 26th of May and lasted until the 3rd of June. Monotec has always been keen exhibitors for such shows. This year’s show...
78 648 Visitors during Grain SA’s 2017 NAMPO Harvest Day
This time last year, producers in the midst of the worst drought in decades were encouraging each other and exchanging plans during the NAMPO Harvest Day. This year we shared each other's joy with the promising harvest at hand said Jannie de Villiers, Chief Executive...
No-Till Twin Row Planter in Kwazulu-Natal
Monotec, previously known as Carrotech, has been the importer of the MONOSEM planters for 16 years. Their planters are well known for the highest precision in seed and fertiliser placement. Monotec has added to their range of planters with the release of their...
Agritech Expo – 2017
This was the first year that Monotec attended the Agritech Expo in Zambia. We exhibited our vegetable planter as well as other Monosem Planters